- June is Men’s Health Month
Men’s Health Month was created to address and highlight preventable diseases among males and increase overall health awareness with males. Men are less likely than women to go to the doctor or deal with health issues when presented, so the month of June has been designated for health professionals, the media and more to encourage males, both young and old, to pay more attention to their health.
According to Men’s Health Network, men have a lower life expectancy than women and it continues to decrease as the years increase. Due to preventable diseases such as obesity and hypertension, males tend to be plagued with more health issues that seemingly go unaddressed. Males also tend to have higher rates of heart disease and diabetes. With the exception of heart disease, the other diseases can be managed and are preventable to a certain extent which is what health professionals would like to do. Throughout the month of June, the campaign will consist of seminars and health fairs in an effort to increase awareness.
Preventable is the key word for the month. Because the most common diseases that kill men can be prevented through a proper diet and exercise regimen, seminars and workshops held throughout the month will highlight the various steps that can be taken to do so. It is recommended that men go to the doctor once a year at least and increase the visits to at least twice as they get older. Most of the diseases that men have only become a problem because they go undetected.
The Center of Disease Control lists heart disease as the leading cause of death among men and obesity and diabetes are listed as conditions and lifestyles that put men at higher risk of obtaining the disease. Because of obesity is considered controllable, health officials do believe that maintaining a healthy weight lower the chances of getting the disease. Persons with diabetes can maintain a healthy lifestyle as well by keeping their sugar low and monitoring their diet.